Is this the right place for affordable homes and a bungalow retreat?
The City zoning on the two project parcels, along with one other at the opposite end of the Bluffs Preserve, is Planned Unit Development “PUD,” which allows a multitude of mixed-uses, including residential and hospitality. This zoning has existed for at least 21 years (the General Plan/Local Coastal Plan was adopted in 2003) and has never been changed by the City. The privately owned property is bound by City Hall and the Skate Park to the West and the Bluffs Preserve to the East.
With the feedback from City Council, Planning Commission, Staff, ARB Members, and community members in 2022, we shifted all of the buildings further towards the West (Chevron and City Hall/Skatepark) and North (Carpinteria Avenue) to create more contiguous open space between the buildings and the preserve and oceanfront.